It is important that teachers be made aware of boys needs. Many boys struggle to sit still and focus for extended periods of time. This inability is not due to a lack of discipline or proper upbringing as may often be assumed. Rather, in many cases, it may be attributed to the fact that boys simply are not developmentally ready to sit still and focus in the way that schools demand. Boys should not be punished for their natural tendencies, rather they should be educated in environments where they are allowed to grow and blossom with structure and guidance that works with them rather than against their inherent natures. One teacher in the documentary did just this, one of his students, Kevin, was a bright boy who had a tendency to get off task. This teacher tried to work with Kevin rather than trying to discipline him into “behaving”. Whenever Kevin was beginning to be too disruptive for the classroom or was becoming frustrated and unable to focus, his teacher sent him out to walk around the building until he was able and ready to focus again. This teacher recognized the fact that Kevin was a young boy and as such needed to get up and move more frequently. By taking the time to understand Kevin’s needs, the teacher helped Kevin progress as was indicated by his improved grades and improved attitude.
Even by the age of 17 and 18 males are still psychologically boys. The pressures of society that constantly bombard boys to be tough, aggressive, to suppress their emotions and be men lead to reckless behavior as they try to fit into the role society has established for them. I think it is important that not only teachers but all people understand the needs and nature of boys. As teachers, it is important to work with boys and attempt to help them understand that it is okay to have and express emotions. Teachers must show them how to properly handle and recognize their emotions rather than bottle them up. As the documentary suggests, we should teach boys that being a man means being a caring and responsible individual, not an aggressive, dominating force.
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